Chris and I met this morning and our new Council website and email distribution tool is almost ready for prime time. Chris has a few bugs to work out, but we will be ready to go for sending the October newsletter in a few days. As part of the rollout, Chris is going to need to send out some test messages, so I picked the officers and trustees as our pilot group. Once we get the bugs worked out, I may suggest that we also pilot with a handful of people that used to receive the newsletter via US mail to make sure we do not have any issues.
On a related note, we are down to 72 members that I do not have email addresses. I have notes out to family members to see if we can close this gap.
The new website will offer us the opportunity to share our mission and accomplishments with our members and the community that we support. Chris has lots of ideas about ways that we can use this new capability and is planning to share some at the October meeting. This is a case where we should prioritize which ones that we would like to roll out first and so on.
Thank you to Chris for making this happen and to all of you in advance for helping with this test period.
Tony Veith
Financial Secretary
Andale Council #2217