Council 2217     Andale, KS 67001

Feb 2025

Brother Knights,

Andale Knights of Columbus will meet at the K of C hall on Wednesday, February 12th at 8:00 pm. We will start with a rosary followed by the Council meeting and conclude with refreshments.

The Gerard House baby shower is going to continue until end of February. If you still have items that you would like to donate, you can bring them to the February meeting or place them in the box in the back of church.
Bingo has begun for the 2024 season. Bingo will be cancelled the weekend of February 9th due to Super Bowl Sunday. Other than this exception, it will be on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, January through April. The bingos are a great community activity that the whole family can come out and enjoy. Hope to see everyone there! Please contact Bryce Seiler (316) 518-8054 if you would like to help or pick up volunteer hours.
Thank you to the Brother Knights who have paid their dues. The dues second notices were sent to you in January. Please return your dues promptly per the instructions on the notice. Our dues support our charitable activities in our area, state level initiatives through the state council and the Knights of Columbus magazine, COLUMBIA. If you have any questions, please contact Tony Veith (316) 648-7180.
The Knights will be hosting a initiation night on Febuary 22 after 5:00 Mass. If know someone who would like to join please have them contact me @ (316)-207-7032.
Brother Justin Reichenberger and his family are taking care of cleaning and booking the hall for rentals. If you need to rent the hall or know someone who does, please contact Justin at (316)-258-1170.

Vivat Jesus & God Bless,
Corey Lies
Grand Knight

January Knight of the Month: Jeff Winter
January Family of the Month: Brandon and Amanda Winter