For November 13, 2024, the council is called to order at 8 p.m. by Grand Knight Corey Lies.

Prayer was offered by Father Weldon.

The attendance of officers was as follows. Father Chaplain, or Chaplain Father Jim Weldon, present. Grand Knight Corey Lease, present. Deputy Grand Knight Pete Hilger, present. Chancellor Cole Horner, present. Recorder Neil Betzen, present. Financial Secretary Tony Vith, present. Treasurer Joe Dvoort, present. Lecturer Clint Patrick, present. Advocate Justin Reichenberger, present. Warden Andy Coiner, present. Inside Guard Moe Lallement, present. Outside Guard Andy Brand, present. Third-year trustee Paul Ramsey, absent. Second-year trustee Scott Patry, absent. And first-year trustee Kelly \Unrein, absent.

The Grand Knight reported as follows. “Our turkey shoot had a good turnout. Everyone liked the new paint job and the big metal Knights of Columbus sign.”

Financial Secretaries report. Tony Veith received thank-you notes from our sponsored seminarians. Mark Vaughn deposited $1,056 from the Tootsie Road Drive. $2,000 was transferred to Columbia Inc. for the outside building renovation.

Account balances.

Bingo, $3,388.54.

CD, $25,434.08.

Checking $7,718.07.

The following committees reported. Mark Baallmann said the Red Cross blood drive will be from 12 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, December 19th. It will be by appointment only.

On Thursday, January 9th at 6 p.m. we will have a first through third degree initiation. It will be a 30-minute video with a meal.

Old business. Kevin Unrein stated that the ice machine is now being used at St. Joe’s Ost. Brandon Winter said he received many compliments on the renovated outside building.

The following new business was brought before the council.

We will present the monthly minutes through email starting in December.

Bills approved. $58.50 for three extra boxes of Tootsie Road to be paid to Conway Springs Council.

Knight of the month, Pete Eck,

family of the month, Luke and Jamie Parthimer.

Closing prayer was offered by all the test of Neil Betzen.